トップ > 業績 > 学会発表等2011年



  1. 中山啓子, 石田典子: Ku80のユビキチン化を介したDNA二重鎖切断修復制御 (第17回国際癌治療増感研究会, 仙台, 2011/6/25).
  2. 舟山亮: RASシグナルによるエピゲノム変化と遺伝子発現制御 (第8回がん・エピゲノム研究会, 仙台・宮城, 2011/7/21).
  3. Nishida, Y.: Genome-wide comprehensive and comparative analysis of next-generation sequencing data between ChIP-seq and RNA-seq (Winter Camp of GCOE 2011 ~The Cultivation of New Generation of Scientists~ Tohoku University Global COE for Conquest of Singal Transcuction Dieseases with "Network Medicine" 仙台, 2011/2/5).
  4. Nakayama, K., Onoyama, I., Matsumoto, A., Ishikawa, Y., Aoyama, S., Nakayama, K.: Tissue-specific function of Fbxw7 revealed by conditional gene targeting in multiple mouse organs (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 2011 Meeting & Courses "The Ubiquitin Family", NY, USA, 2011/5/19).
  5. Nakano, S.: Geminin deletion in hematopoietic stem cells promotes differentiation of megakaryocytes and platelets (Winter Camp of GCOE 2011 ~The Cultivation of New Generation of Scientists~ Tohoku University Global COE for Conquest of Singal Transcuction Dieseases with "Network Medicine" 仙台, 2011/2/5).
  6. Hosogane, M., Nishida, Y., Funayama, R., Nakayama, K.: Ras-mediated regional silencing around Fas gene locus (Winter Camp of GCOE 2011 ~The Cultivation of New Generation of Scientists~ Tohoku University Global COE for Conquest of Singal Transcuction Dieseases with "Network Medicine" 仙台, 2011/2/5).
  7. Hosogane, M., Nakayama, K.: H3K27 is tri-methylated after Ras-mediated regional silencing (70th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association, Nagoya, 2011/10/4).
  8. Nakayama, K.: Cdt1 inhibitor, Geminin negatively regulates thrombopoiesis (The 5th International Workshop on Cell Regulations in Division and Arrest, Okinawa, 2011/10/24).
  9. Hosogane, M., Funayama, R., Nishida, Y., Nagashima, T., Nakayama, K.: Changes of trimethylation of H3K27 occurs after Ras-mediated transcriptional regulation (The 5th International Workshop on Cell Regulations in Division and Arrest, Okinawa, 2011/10/24).
  10. 石田典子, 家村俊一郎, 安井明, 夏目徹, 中山啓子:Ku80のユビキチン化を介したDNA二重鎖切断修復制御 (一般ポスター, 第34回日本分子生物学会年会, 横浜, 2011/12/15).
  11. 石田典子, 家村俊一郎, 安井明, 夏目徹, 中山啓子:Ku80のユビキチン化を介したDNA二重鎖切断修復制御 (一般講演, 第34回日本分子生物学会年会, 横浜, 2011/12/16).
  12. Hosogane, M., Funayama, R., Nishida, Y., Nagashima, T., Nakayama, k.: Change of trimethylation of H3K27 occurs after Ras-mediated transcriptional regulation (一般講演, The 34th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan, 横浜, 2011/12/16).
  13. Hosogane, M., Funayama, R., Nishida, Y., Nagashima, T., Nakayama, k.: Change of trimethylation of H3K27 occurs after Ras-mediated transcriptional regulation (一般ポスター, The 34th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan, 横浜, 2011/12/16).
  14. 松本光代, ブリドン アンドレイ, 中目亜矢子, 舟山亮, 西田有一郎, 中山啓子, 八重樫伸生, 五十嵐和彦 : Bach1の転写制御標的遺伝子の同定 (一般ポスター, 第34回日本分子生物学会年会, 横浜, 2011/12/15).